Welcome to Keepi's support page. Here you can find information about how to use Keepi to the max.
Audio - you can talk to Keepi by sending audio messages from WhatsApp. Just click on the microphone button above the keyboard on the right.
Draw - create beautiful images by sending a message starting with the word draw followed by the description of the image you would like to create.
/h - show the Help Menu with all available commands
/f - send us feedback starting your message with the word /f followed by your feedback. For example - "/f keepi you are awesome!"
/i - send keepi /i to discover new prompts that you can use
/r - regenerate the last prompt in case you would like Keepi to return a different response.
Private Memory
With Private Memory, you can save important dates, facts or information that is only accessible by yourself.
/s - to save a memory. For example, /s my anniversary is on 01/01/2010
/q - to query the memory. For example, /q when are my important dates?